Frequently Asked Questions
What is Coaching?
The ICF (International Coaching Federation) defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.
The coach partners with client on his/her thoughts and emotions, in an impartial, nonjudgemental manner. Typically the coach is not supposed to provide advice, for that can already be provided to the coachee by her/his family, friends or others.​ Coaching process holds the coachee responsible for her/his decisions, actions and life.
Coaching relationship is unique being confidential, non-judgemental and following your agenda. Most of the time the relationship itself can be healing.
What is Gestalt Coaching?
Gestalt means integrity. It is an awareness based, experiential therapy method influenced by existential philosophy, ancient teachings and somatic (bodily) experiences.
Gestalt coaching is an adaptation of Gestalt therapy to coaching, blending positive psychology and coaching competencies.
It is very rich and effective in terms of seeing human in all dimensions (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually).
During the sessions, coachee is exposed to creative little experiments similar to what s'he's experiencing in real life; instead of talking intellectually about the topics. In this way, the coachee can gain a deep insight and awareness which leads her to see and feel own needs as well as internal barriers they create for himself. This process is fast and impactful to help client reach her potential.
How is coaching different from mentoring and consulting?
The mentor and / or consultant is positioned as the person who knows the subject that the client is interested in. Unlike coaching, he gives advice to the client and guides to a certain path.
Coaching is based on awareness of the person and / or group. The choice and decisions always belong to the client. The coach is co-positioned to cooperate with the coachee / group.
Coaching, mentoring, and consulting provide benefits for different situations.
In my work with you, I sometimes ask for your permission to have the role of mentor or consultant, when I feel that it'll be of your service.
How is coaching different from therapy?
In coaching, we work with healthy and functional individuals. We believe that the individual has the resources to find the best for himself and can take his own responsibility.
Some methods used in coaching are similar to therapy. However, coaching is not for therapeutic purposes, it is focused on the unrealized potential.
On the other hand, approaching one's potential is a healing process.
As coaches, we do not make any diagnosis or judgment. The choices on how you'll act always belongs to you as the client. Coaching focuses the coachee, raises awareness and directs you to action. You leave each session by planning a small action for yourself. This allows you to keep your work and focus between sessions.
I am attentive to stay within the coaching boundaries. If I see any necessity, I direct you to an appropriate therapist.
What Are the Badges Next to My Name?
These badges show that I am accredited by authorities and that I demonstrate ethical values ​​and standards in the field of coaching.
Although completing a qualified coaching program is a good start to be a coach, it is not enough. Becoming a good coach is a journey where the individual is focused, learns from experiences and continuously invests on her self improvement.
Accreditation does not indicate whether the coach is good or bad, but indicates that the person has taken international standards into account, gained experience and has passed qualifications for compliance.
What is a pre-interview?
It is also called chemistry meeting. The coachee explains his problem and purpose, and asks his questions. Coach responds to the client and explains about the process. At this stage, the client and the coach decide whether to further with coaching process.
Where are Individual Sessions Conducted, What is the Duration?
Unless you request otherwise, individual coaching sessions take place online via Zoom.
Session duration is approximately 1 hour.
What is the fee for coaching?
It depends on the number of sessions you will get. For detailed information, you need to contact me and make a pre-interview.